Thursday, 20 September 2018

Perumahan di Kota Bandung siap Dijual dengan Harga yang berkelas

Baiklah, di sini saya akan mempromosikan salah satu perumahan yang ada di Kota Bandung yaitu perumahan "GRAND SHARON RESIDENCE" dengan harga yang berkelas sekitar 700 sampai dengan 3 milyar rupiah. Serta adanya DP mulai dari 0 sampai dengan harga yang ditentukan masing-masing tipe rumah. Dapat dicicil tiap bulannya selama 15 tahun. Untuk Info lebih jelas, silahkan hubungi nomor pada akhir artikel ini atau tulis di kolom komentar tentang harga total, DP, cicilan dan lain lain.

Di Grand Sharon Residence, selain memiliki tipe-tipe rumah yang idaman dan nyaman. Juga terdapat beberapa fasilitas seperti berikut:




(ada juga badminton di sebelahnya)




Rumah yang Dijual

1. Tipe Brio

Tipe Brio dibangun dengan konsep ‘Ukuran Ideal Harga Spesial. Rumah Tipe Brio dengan luas bangunan sebesar 42 m² dan luas tanah mulai dari 66- 96 m² menjadikan rumah tipe brio ideal bagi keluarga muda.
Terdapat 2 (dua) kamar tidur, 1 (satu) kamar mandi, dapur dan carport untuk 1 mobil merupakan komponen yang pas dan ideal bagi keluarga muda. Desain Fasad yang minimalis dan modern menjadikan pemiliknya memiliki semangat baru setiap memulai aktifitas di dalam maupun di luar rumah bersama keluarga.
Saat launching perdana bulan september 2014, tipe Brio dipatok dengan harga 536 juta dan sekarang pada bulan Februari 2016 harga tipe Brio sudah mencapai 681 juta. Jadi jangan lewatkan kesempatan berinvestasi dan memiliki rumah tinggal dengan ukuran ideal dan harga masuk akal.
Tertarik properti ini?

2. Tipe Livina

Tipe Livina merupakan Tipe rumah generasi pertama dari Grand Sharon Residence dan sudah dipasarkan sejak tahun 2009. Jumlah Tipe Livina mencapai 25% (sekitar 252 unit) dari total hunian yang sudah dibangun di Grand Sharon Residence  yang membuktikan bahwa tipe Livina merupakan tipe hunian yang paling dibutuhkan oleh konsumen.
Permintaan akan rumah tipe Livina juga sangat tinggi sehingga mendorong Grand Sharon Residence kembali memasarkan Rumah Tipe Livina ini.
Tipe Livina memiliki spesifikasi Luas Bangunan 52 m dan Luas Tanah mulai dari 109-123 m dengan lebar lahan sebesar 7m. Tipe Livina memiliki 2 kamar tidur , 1 kamar mandi, Ruang Tamu, Ruang Keluarga, dapur, dan Carpot. 
Tertarik properti ini?

3. Tipe Camry

Tipe Camry ini berada di Cluster Plumeria yang eksklusif, tenang, nyaman, serta memiliki banyak taman, dan playground. Fasilitas inilah yang menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi pasangan muda maupun keluarga muda karena kondisi lingkungan yang baik bagi tumbuh kembang anak-anak nantinya.
Tipe Camry memiliki 2 varian, yaitu Camry Standar ( 2 kamar tidur ) dan Camry Spesial ( 3 kamar tidur ). Selain itu terdapat juga 1 ruang tamu, dapur, dan carpot untuk setiap varian tipe Camry. Adanya dua varian ini untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhkan konsumen yang menginginkan rumah tumbuh dengan 2 kamar tidur dan rumah tumbuh dengan 3 kamar tidur.
Tipe Camry Standar ( LB 68/ LT 109) cocok untuk keluarga muda yang memiliki anak-anak yang masih relatif kecil untuk saat ini, dan ketika anak-anak mulai tumbuh remaja, rumah camry ini masih bisa dikembangkan dengan tambahan 1 kamar tidur lagi.
Tipe Camry Spesial ( LB 68 / LT 171) cocok untuk keluarga muda dengan anak-anak yang membutuhkan kamar tidur masing-masing. Baik juga untuk keluarga yang tinggal bersama orang tua sehingga menghindari rumah bertingkat.
Semua tipe dalam kondisi ready stok /siap huni dan dibangun dengan kualitas material terbaik yang akan menjamin kenyamanan setiap penghuninya.
Tertarik properti ini?

4. Tipe Estillo

Rumah tipe Estillo dibangun dengan konsep ‘Modern Minimalis’ memiliki lebar 6m dan panjang mulai dari 15-18m. Tipe Estillo memiliki luas bangunan 82 m2 dan luas tanah 84-95 m2.
Terdapat  total 3 kamar tidur ( 1 kamar tidur utama di lantai 1 dan 2 kamar tidur anak di lantai 2), 2 kamar mandi , serta sudah memiliki dapur dan carpot.
Pada tahun 2009, Tipe Estillo mulai patok dengan harga 600 Jutaan dan pada Februari 2016, harga Tipe Estillo sudah mencapai 1,1 milyar.
Tertarik properti ini?

5. Tipe Cherokee

Rumah 2 lantai yang diberi nama Cherokee ini akan menjadi fitur utama dari Cluster Acacia yang eksklusif, tenang, dan asri.  Rumah tipe Cherokee ini memiliki luas bangunan sebesar 120m² dan luas tanah sebesar 156-180m² .
Tipe Cherokee memiliki total 3 kamar tidur (1 kamar di lantai 1 dan 2 kamar di lantai 2), 2 kamar mandi (1 kamar mandi di setiap lantai), dapur dan carport untuk 2 mobil. Terdapat lahan kosong seluas 45 m2  yang memberikan keleluasaan bagi Anda untuk mengembangkan lahan tersebut menjadi taman,kolam,gazebo,atau bahkan bangunan permanen seperti kamar tidur.
Inilah kesempatan memiliki rumah mewah di kawasan hunian eksklusif dengan kenaikan investasi sampai 18% per tahun. Hal ini sudah terbukti pada tahun 2009 , Tipe Cherokee dipasarkan dengan harga 900 jutaan dan pada Februari 2016 sudah mencapai 1,8 milyar.
Tertarik properti ini?

6. Tipe Magnolia

Rumah Grand Cherokee di Magnolia Boulevard memiliki total luas bangunan 175mdan luas tanah 225m2. Grand Cherokee Magnolia memiliki 5 kamar Tidur , walk in closet dan 4 kamar mandi serta carport yang cukup untuk 2 mobil sekaligus.
Magnolia Boulevard ini berlokasi di antara Club House, Masjid, dan Taman Bermain Anak. Lebar jalan Magnolia Boulevard yang lebih dari 12 meter menjadikan Magnolia Boulevard begitu nyaman untuk dilalui oleh setiap penghuninya.
Keamanan setiap Rumah di Magnolia Boulevard pun semakin bertambah karena adanya CCTV di setiap rumah.
Harga yang dipatok pun sesuai dengan kelas, kualitas, dan nilai investasi dari Magnolia Boulevard. Bookinglah sekarang juga sebelum harga naik saat launcing. Dapatkan hadiah berlian setiap booking yang Anda lakukan.

Ada yang tertarik properti Grand Sharon Residence di Kota Bandung?
hubungi saya 081222964648
Terimakasih dan salam sukses :)

Monday, 10 September 2018

Benda-benda Tipis Dilihat dari Mikroskop

Di sini saya memposting beberapa gambar benda-benda tipis seperti rambut, benang, dan semut jika dilihat melalui mikroskop. Mikroskop yang digunakan adalah mikroskop optikal dengan pembesaran 40x dan 400x.
Image result for mikroskop
[mikroskop optikal]

1. 40x pembesaran

[sehelai rambut]


[seekor semut tampak memiliki banyak bulu pada tubuhnya]

[2 rambut, tipis dan tebal]

2. 400x pembesaran

[sehelai rambut]

[kaki semut, tampak lebih tipis dari rambut]

Terimakasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya, semoga bermanfaat buat kamu yaa. Komentar pendapat kalian di kolom bawah yaa.

Friday, 7 September 2018

All Human Knowledge Only a Drop of Water, Compared God knowledge as the Ocean

The science of all humans from the prophet Adam to the end of time, when collected no more than a drop of water. Compared to the knowledge of God, it is like a whole vast ocean.

There is a word of wisdom which states: "Science has three stages. If someone enters the first stage, he will be arrogant. If he enters the second stage he will tawadhu '. And if he enters the third stage he will feel himself nothing ".

The purpose of the word wisdom is:

In the first stage, a knowledgeable learner who is just learning will usually be arrogant. He is not aware of his situation and thinks he has achieved a noble position. In fact, not infrequently he abused scholars who were more pious than him. Even though he was the one who was still ignorant and there were still many shortcomings. Alim people can recognize ignorant people because he was also ignorant. While ignorant people do not know the pious person because he has never been a pious person.
In the second stage, he will tawadhu 'because he began to feel that his knowledge was insignificant and there were still many that he did not know. He also began to be aware of his shortcomings, and this led him to learn more and gain useful knowledge.
In the third stage, he felt nothing because it turned out to be like an oceanless knowledge. Even if he spends his entire life studying, what he gets is still small because of the vast sea of ​​knowledge.
"No one can master all the knowledge available,
It won't work, even though he studied it for a thousand years.

Therefore, realize that the knowledge we have is no more than a drop of water falling in the middle of an ocean that is very broad compared to the knowledge of God. If that is the case then it is inappropriate for us as humans to brag about the knowledge they have.

Look at the nature of water that always flows from the highest place to the lower place. Signifying the nature of water which is always humble, if it has arrived in the ocean, the height of the water will be equal, indicating that we are all the same as God's creatures. What distinguishes us from others is only our piety.

Quoted in Al-Quran surah Al-Kahfi verse 109.

Then it can be analyzed that if the Knowledge of Allah is written with ink as much as water in the ocean it will not be enough even if given that much additional ink.
May be useful :)

Key words: human science and the science of God, human science, human science a drop of water, weak human science, limited human science, limited human reason, the breadth of God's knowledge

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Proof of the existence of God with Science

Some Views of Scientists who reject the existence of God:
i. Sir Issac Newton's view
   Newton introduced to the whole world that nature is bound by the laws of nature that are fixed. Celestial objects on the horizon circulate in accordance with natural laws that bind them, that is, circulate in their orbit and never go out of their orbit because when they come out the universe will be destroyed. Therefore, everything that happens in the universe is the result of the mechanization of ordinary nature and human intervention, there is no evidence of God's power involvement.

ii. Sigmund Freud's view
    Religion is the result of the production of the human subconscious, and is not something that has a form in the real world. God does not exist, and is only a reflection of the human person on the natural screen. The real world does not exist because it is only an idealistic description of human desires. While wakhyu and inspiration are only extraordinary manifestations of the repression of children who are depressed.

iii. Stanley Miller's view
     Everything in the universe comes from one particle that resembles a virus formed from a reaction in nature namely NH4, O2, H20 and lightning. From this one material then developed into various creatures that existed on this earth after experiencing a revolution.

iv. Dalton and Albert Enstein's views
    Dalton argued that atoms cannot be destroyed or created. And enstein stated that the mass before the reaction is the same as mass after being reacted or often called the law of conservation of mass. This means that the universe already existed from the ancient times and did not come from God.

The views of some scientists above are their subjective thoughts. Human thought is weak and the knowledge possessed by humans is very limited.

1. The existence of nature proves the existence of God

The existence of nature and its amazing organization and its complicated secrets, should not not give an explanation that there is a power that has created it, an "Intellect" that has no limits. Every normal human being believes that he is "there" and believes that nature is "there". On that basis and with this belief, every form of scientific activity and life is carried out.

If you believe in the existence of nature, then you must logically believe in the existence of the Creator of Nature. There has never been any knowledge of nothing from nothing without being created. Everything regardless of size, there must be a cause. Therefore, how will we believe that such a vast universe exists by itself without a creator?

2. Proof of the existence of God with Physics

Until the 19th century the opinion that nature created itself (nature is immortal) is still many followers. But after the discovery of the "second law of thermodynamics" (Second law of Thermodynamics), this statement has lost ground.

The law, which is known as the law of energy limitation or the theory of limiting changes in heat energy, proves that the existence of nature is impossible. The law explains that heat energy is always moving from a hot state to being not hot. The opposite is not possible, that is, heat energy cannot change from a state that is not hot to heat. Changes in heat energy are controlled by a balance between "existing energy" and "non-existent energy".

Starting from the fact that the process of chemistry and physics in nature continues, and life continues. It is certain that nature is not divine. If nature is natural, then nature has always lost its energy, according to the law and there will be no more life in this world. Therefore, there must be those who create nature, namely God.

3. Proof of the existence of God with Astronomy

The closest natural object to the earth is the moon, which is about 240,000 miles from the earth, which moves around the earth and completes every circular for twenty-nine days. Similarly, the earth, which lies 93,000,000,000 miles from the sun, rotates on its axis at a speed of a thousand miles per hour and travels a 190,000,000 mile long path every year. Beside the earth there is a cluster of nine planets of the solar system, including the earth, which surrounds the sun with incredible speed.

The sun does not stop at a certain place, but it circulates together with planets and asteroids around its orbit at speeds of 600,000 miles per hour. Besides that there are still thousands of systems other than our "solar system" and each system has its own collection or galaxy. Galaxy-Galaxy is also circulating in its orbit. The Galaxy where our solar system is located, circulates on its axis and completes its circulation once in 200,000,000 light years.

Human logic by paying attention to an extraordinary system and a careful organization, will conclude that it is impossible for all of this to happen by itself, even to conclude that behind all that there is a great power that makes and controls this extraordinary system, that great power is God.

4. Proof of God with Mathematics

If we learn about opportunities, for example in a dice there are 6 sides from numbers 1 to 6 ...
if you want to get 5 or 6, then your chances of getting those numbers are 2/6 or 1/3 ....
as well as the creation of the universe,
if there is no substance that creates the universe = 0
vast universe = unlimited (~)
then the calculation, 0 is divided ~
so the chance of a universe without God = 0
means there must be a person who creates nature, namely God.

5. Creation of the Universe Comes from Nothing or comes from God

In 1929, at the Mount Wilson California observatory, American astronomer, Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. When observing the stars with a giant telescope, he found that they emitted red light according to their distance. This means that these stars "move away from us." Because, according to known physical laws, the spectrum of the moving light source approaching the observer tends to purple, while the one away from the observer tends to red. During observations by Hubble, the light from stars tends to red, which means that these stars are constantly moving away from us.

Long before, Hubble had made another important discovery. Stars and galaxies move not only away from us, but also away from each other. The only thing that can be inferred from a universe where everything moves away from one another is that it constantly "expands". To be more easily understood, the universe can be likened to the surface of a balloon that is expanding. As the points on the surface of the balloon move away from each other when the balloon enlarges, objects in space also move away from one another as the universe continues to expand.

What is the meaning of expanding the universe? The expansion of the universe means that if the universe can move backwards into the past, then it will prove to be from a single point. Calculations show that this 'single point' which contains all the matter of the universe must have 'zero volume', and 'infinite density'. The universe has been formed through this zero volume single point explosion. The giant explosion that marked the beginning of the universe was called the 'Big Bang', and the theory was known by that name. It should be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical statement used to facilitate understanding. Science can define the concept of 'nothingness', which is beyond the limits of human understanding, only by stating it as 'zero volume point'. Actually, 'a non-volume point' means 'nothingness'. Thus the universe came into being from nothing. In other words, the universe has been created. The fact that this nature was created, which was discovered by modern physics in the 20th century, has been stated in the Koran 14 centuries ago.