Hello guys, this time I will explain very small objects. Starting from dust
or black spots. Dust or black spots can still be seen by our naked eyes. The
limit of our eyes to see the smallest object is measuring 0.1 millimeters or
100 micrometers. Smaller than that it is impossible for the naked eye to see
the object. To see smaller objects, we must use a device called a microscope.
The microscope is divided into 2, there are optical microscopes and electron
microscopes. Optical microscopes still have the smallest size limit of objects
measuring 200 nanometers or 0,0002 millimeters. Using an optical microscope, we
can see all types of bacteria, from the largest bacteria to the smallest. And
also the biggest virus. Smaller viruses cannot be seen by optical microscopes
because they are less than 200 nanometers in size. So we use an electron
microscope as a solution.
With electron microscopy, we can see all types of viruses to the smallest.
Besides viruses, we can see DNA, water molecules, ultraviolet waves, large-sized
atoms like carbon. The minimum limit of objects that can be seen using an
electron microscope is measuring 50 picometers or 0.05 nanometers. Smaller than
that, I still don't know what tools to use. Based on the sources I got, objects
smaller than 50 picometers are hydrogen atoms, helium atoms, and atomic
arrangements. Maybe you have read in the middle school book that the smallest
thing that cannot be divided is an atom. Actually there are still many objects
smaller than atoms, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. Is there anything
smaller than electrons, protons and neutrons? There is. That is the
arrangements called quarck. Quarck consists of 5 types, namely "up
quarck", "down quarck", "strange quarck", "charm
quarck", "bottom quarck", and "top quarck".
The biggest Quarck is the up quarck which has a 1 attometer size and the smallest is the
top quarck which has a size of 100 yoctometers. But the top quarck is not the smallest
thing that humans have found, there is more. Have you watched the marvel ant-man and
the wasp movie? In this film there is a doctor who makes a tool towards the quantum
world by shrinking for a long time. I saw in the film that there was a wormhole called
"quantum void", but based on the source I got, the name was not quantum void, but
quantum foam. Quantum foam has a size of 9.3 times 10 to the power of -36 meters.
Very small right? This is the smallest thing that scientists know. As small as quantum
foam, you might be able to penetrate space and time like in ant-man and the wasp films.
In the real world, it is impossible to penetrate, because this is very small unless there is
someone who can make a laboratory like a Pym hang :)
Thank you for reading my article, hopefully it will be useful and increase your insight!