Saturday, 1 September 2018

Proof of the existence of God with Science

Some Views of Scientists who reject the existence of God:
i. Sir Issac Newton's view
   Newton introduced to the whole world that nature is bound by the laws of nature that are fixed. Celestial objects on the horizon circulate in accordance with natural laws that bind them, that is, circulate in their orbit and never go out of their orbit because when they come out the universe will be destroyed. Therefore, everything that happens in the universe is the result of the mechanization of ordinary nature and human intervention, there is no evidence of God's power involvement.

ii. Sigmund Freud's view
    Religion is the result of the production of the human subconscious, and is not something that has a form in the real world. God does not exist, and is only a reflection of the human person on the natural screen. The real world does not exist because it is only an idealistic description of human desires. While wakhyu and inspiration are only extraordinary manifestations of the repression of children who are depressed.

iii. Stanley Miller's view
     Everything in the universe comes from one particle that resembles a virus formed from a reaction in nature namely NH4, O2, H20 and lightning. From this one material then developed into various creatures that existed on this earth after experiencing a revolution.

iv. Dalton and Albert Enstein's views
    Dalton argued that atoms cannot be destroyed or created. And enstein stated that the mass before the reaction is the same as mass after being reacted or often called the law of conservation of mass. This means that the universe already existed from the ancient times and did not come from God.

The views of some scientists above are their subjective thoughts. Human thought is weak and the knowledge possessed by humans is very limited.

1. The existence of nature proves the existence of God

The existence of nature and its amazing organization and its complicated secrets, should not not give an explanation that there is a power that has created it, an "Intellect" that has no limits. Every normal human being believes that he is "there" and believes that nature is "there". On that basis and with this belief, every form of scientific activity and life is carried out.

If you believe in the existence of nature, then you must logically believe in the existence of the Creator of Nature. There has never been any knowledge of nothing from nothing without being created. Everything regardless of size, there must be a cause. Therefore, how will we believe that such a vast universe exists by itself without a creator?

2. Proof of the existence of God with Physics

Until the 19th century the opinion that nature created itself (nature is immortal) is still many followers. But after the discovery of the "second law of thermodynamics" (Second law of Thermodynamics), this statement has lost ground.

The law, which is known as the law of energy limitation or the theory of limiting changes in heat energy, proves that the existence of nature is impossible. The law explains that heat energy is always moving from a hot state to being not hot. The opposite is not possible, that is, heat energy cannot change from a state that is not hot to heat. Changes in heat energy are controlled by a balance between "existing energy" and "non-existent energy".

Starting from the fact that the process of chemistry and physics in nature continues, and life continues. It is certain that nature is not divine. If nature is natural, then nature has always lost its energy, according to the law and there will be no more life in this world. Therefore, there must be those who create nature, namely God.

3. Proof of the existence of God with Astronomy

The closest natural object to the earth is the moon, which is about 240,000 miles from the earth, which moves around the earth and completes every circular for twenty-nine days. Similarly, the earth, which lies 93,000,000,000 miles from the sun, rotates on its axis at a speed of a thousand miles per hour and travels a 190,000,000 mile long path every year. Beside the earth there is a cluster of nine planets of the solar system, including the earth, which surrounds the sun with incredible speed.

The sun does not stop at a certain place, but it circulates together with planets and asteroids around its orbit at speeds of 600,000 miles per hour. Besides that there are still thousands of systems other than our "solar system" and each system has its own collection or galaxy. Galaxy-Galaxy is also circulating in its orbit. The Galaxy where our solar system is located, circulates on its axis and completes its circulation once in 200,000,000 light years.

Human logic by paying attention to an extraordinary system and a careful organization, will conclude that it is impossible for all of this to happen by itself, even to conclude that behind all that there is a great power that makes and controls this extraordinary system, that great power is God.

4. Proof of God with Mathematics

If we learn about opportunities, for example in a dice there are 6 sides from numbers 1 to 6 ...
if you want to get 5 or 6, then your chances of getting those numbers are 2/6 or 1/3 ....
as well as the creation of the universe,
if there is no substance that creates the universe = 0
vast universe = unlimited (~)
then the calculation, 0 is divided ~
so the chance of a universe without God = 0
means there must be a person who creates nature, namely God.

5. Creation of the Universe Comes from Nothing or comes from God

In 1929, at the Mount Wilson California observatory, American astronomer, Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. When observing the stars with a giant telescope, he found that they emitted red light according to their distance. This means that these stars "move away from us." Because, according to known physical laws, the spectrum of the moving light source approaching the observer tends to purple, while the one away from the observer tends to red. During observations by Hubble, the light from stars tends to red, which means that these stars are constantly moving away from us.

Long before, Hubble had made another important discovery. Stars and galaxies move not only away from us, but also away from each other. The only thing that can be inferred from a universe where everything moves away from one another is that it constantly "expands". To be more easily understood, the universe can be likened to the surface of a balloon that is expanding. As the points on the surface of the balloon move away from each other when the balloon enlarges, objects in space also move away from one another as the universe continues to expand.

What is the meaning of expanding the universe? The expansion of the universe means that if the universe can move backwards into the past, then it will prove to be from a single point. Calculations show that this 'single point' which contains all the matter of the universe must have 'zero volume', and 'infinite density'. The universe has been formed through this zero volume single point explosion. The giant explosion that marked the beginning of the universe was called the 'Big Bang', and the theory was known by that name. It should be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical statement used to facilitate understanding. Science can define the concept of 'nothingness', which is beyond the limits of human understanding, only by stating it as 'zero volume point'. Actually, 'a non-volume point' means 'nothingness'. Thus the universe came into being from nothing. In other words, the universe has been created. The fact that this nature was created, which was discovered by modern physics in the 20th century, has been stated in the Koran 14 centuries ago.